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DaasYochid -“The only one that the Mechaber mentions is children learning. If you have a source stating that adult learning is more important than Tzedaka – please cite the source.

Ahavas Chessed, chapter 19.”

Yes. I remember this C.C. I think you are somewhat confused.

The Mechaber in Hilchos Tzedaka was talking about preferences that come before Tzedaka and aren’t in the Geder of Tzedaka. Like eg. kids learning. These kids could be rich, but acc. to the Mechaber giving money to support their learning would come before Tzedaka. The Gr’a Offen Ort and others seem to disagree.

The way I understand the C.C. is that the preference of Torah learners that is given over others is only in a case of poor people. It’s not in general to give Torah learners over the Mitzva of Tzedaka.

I hope this clears things up for you.

Btw, I don’t get your point about Chomesh.