Reply To: Responsibility to serve – without the politics

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Avi K -“Health, the evil kings did far worse things than any Israeli PM but they had the din of kings.”

That’s exactly the point. It’s not whether which leadership is more evil, it’s the fact like you said -they had the Din of Kings.

The State of Israel has no Din of Anything!

“Somebody has to do it.”

Yes, they should have volunteers and paid personel, No draft.

“Now that the Chareidim are becoming so large they will also have to take some part. This is also for their own good as it is manifest that only a small portion are built for all-day life-long learning. The result of the current system is that many guys get into trouble or just walk about aimlessly (check out Geula and Mea Shearim during seder hours) to the detriment of the Cahreidi public.”

This point has nothing to do with the army. If a Rosh Yeshiva feels s/o is Not learning the way he should be, then that’s his responsibility to either get him to or remove him. It’s not the Israeli gov’s business. By and far most are learning the way they should be, in spite of your Motzay Shem Ra!

What you don’t understand is that the Yeshiva guys are doing their part. Perhaps you didn’t have a religious education -so you think that they aren’t?!?

Like Rav Shach zt’l told s/o -“The war in Israel is fought on two fronts – the actual war zone & the Bais Medrash!”