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Morahrach – please don’t feel so hurt. Some people cannot help but be critical, and even if and when they are correct about the mistake, it is not worth the emotion you are putting into feeling bad about it – especially a nice person such as yourself.

Accept (as I do) that when we are typing we sometimes make errors and don’t always catch the need to edit in time. We are human. So big deal if we misspelled something or wrote something that was not gramatically up to par. Does that diminish us in any way? No! Laugh about it, and try not to make the kind of typo that I once did, and about which I still get razzed (because it came out almost as an obscenity before I realized I had left out a truly crucial letter in a word).

I don’t believe that anyone is really mean-spirited enough to want to hurt your or anyone else’s feelings in the CR. At least, I would hope not. And I am not proofreading this post before sending, so I hope I didn’t make any mistakes, but if I did, SO WHAT???????