Reply To: Would you choose army or kollel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Would you choose army or kollel? Reply To: Would you choose army or kollel?


gavra: As I said, cease all taxation of Chareidim, and we are in business. We have a workable solution. And if the zionists force someone to utilize some service (by making it virtually impractical or impossible to refuse it), you can’t hold it against that they are using it under duration. I have no doubts Chareidim would be better off not giving a penny to the Israeli government (taxes, etc.) and not taking a penny.

berlin: Again with your obscuring. First, you are mixing paying kollel guys with forcing Torah learners into the Army. You are wrong about paying kollel guys, but I won’t even address it here since it is a seperate topic. Paying kollel guys has nothing to do with taking them out of kollel and forcing them into the Army. Even you admit you support them staying in kollel if they don’t take the tzibur’s gelt.

Second, you are additionally wrong about the Chasidishe Gedolim and Rebbes. Among many others, the following are protesting drafting the current attempts to draft the Yeshiva guys:

Belzer Rebbe Shlita, Satmar Rebbe Shlita, Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita, Chernobyl Rebbe Shlita, Rachmistrivka Rebbe Shlita.

(See for one of many stories documenting this.)

And, btw, who paid your two sons income when they were in kollel?