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A Letter from Rav Chaim Kanievsky

The news I heard that a law is being passed to harm the very core of the souls of Klal Yisroel and to contaminate the cruse of pure oil, i.e., the sacred yeshiva and kollel students, shook me up and made me quake.

Beware for your souls and for your existence. Know for certain that the Jewish people’s right to exist lies in the merit of those devoted bnei Torah whose whole world is bound by the four cubits of halochoh. This is basic; it has been fundamentally clear to every Jew that ever since our emerging into nationhood: tampering with the purity of our sacred Torah scholars and introducing foreign thoughts into their minds is perilous.

Whoever has the power to protest, to inflame others and to encourage the bnei Torah is obligated to do so and surely not to act contrary, chas vesholom, since our very souls depend on it.

Written with deep pain, and anticipation of the imminent geula shleima,

Chaim Kanievsky