Reply To: Shaas Shmad in Israel

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Shaas Shmad in Israel Reply To: Shaas Shmad in Israel


Face it:

THe chareidim in EY are living off the efforts of the non-chareidim. Yeshayahu Leibowitz described this decades ago. As it is now in the Chareidi world, the only way to be authentically jewish is to study torah and live off the work of others. Is this what we really think Hashem wants from us?

As it is, in the chareidi world view, the only way the jewish community of EY can continue to exist is if there is a sure supply of chilonim to do the work the frum refuse to do. Do we really want a system that relies on the continuing existence of Jews who don’t follow the Torah, just so we can keep ourselves pure?