Reply To: Shaas Shmad in Israel

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Avi K: I honestly have no idea how to determine normative Halachah in these topics. There just seems to be a range that people are willing to accept. Beyond that range, even with Rishonim that back it up, does not fall into “standard Jewish thought”. What is clear is that calling all of Ma’aseh B’reishis a Mashal does not fall in this range, even though there are Rishonim that said it first. Does this make R’ Slifkin an Apikores? I would say probably not (he does have a fair few Rishonim to rely upon), though it’s clear that several tremendous Talmidei Chachamim think it does. What it does do, according to everyone, is make his books controversial, to say the least. And your pointing out the eventual acceptance of the Rambam (and that apparently Shamayim wanted us to accept him, for however much that actually matters) in no way affects my point.