Reply To: Shaas Shmad in Israel

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“If you maintain that gedolim can make mistakes and that the gedolim of the previous dor erred in their views before WWII, then, of course, so can Rav Dessler zz.l , err in his views.”

First of all, R’ Dessler actually does bring a fascinating proof to his views from the story pf the Megilah, but I don’t feel that I can do it justice summing it up.

Second, I think that most of those who would argue that the WWII Gedolim were mistaken think that those Gedolim themselves would agree that we could argue with them. However, we see from R’ Dessler that one may not decide himself that the Gedolim are wrong.


” Kvodo shel Rabbi Desler be’mkomo munach, the Gemora at the beginnig of Horiyos states that a Sanhedrin can make a mistake.”

I don’t think that R’ Dessler would argue that the Gedolim or the Sanhedrin can make a mistake, only that “we puny people” cannot claim to be as smart or as knowledgeable as they are in order to be able to claim that we can tell when they are mistaken.


I’m sorry, but I really don’t get what you’re trying to say.