Reply To: Rav Yisroel Lau will be the guest speaker at the siyum Hashas

Home Forums Controversial Topics Rav Yisroel Lau will be the guest speaker at the siyum Hashas Reply To: Rav Yisroel Lau will be the guest speaker at the siyum Hashas


gavra: When chassidim say they’re going to boycott the siyum because a Zionist will be speaking, it isn’t a show of achdus. It’s very sad, especially during this time of year.

The Beis Hamikdash was destroyed because of sinas chinam, and these people are preventing it from being rebuilt.

You are way off here, and you should really take that back.

Sinas chinam? Since when is disagreeing with someone sinas chinam?

If they disagree with zionism, and think it is krum, and feel strongly enough about it, then it would be quite natural for them to boycott an event where a zionist was speaking. I don’t know if they feel that way or not, but I don’t go calling them sinas chinam for it.

And why sinaa? Do you think this has something to do with hatred? Where do you get this ideas?

Suppose you would decide to not attend because a zionist wasn’t speaking. Would that be sinas chinam.

I am very bothered by your comment.