Reply To: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room?

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In terms of the political spectrum, I don’t really think anyone here does (does YonasanW post in the coffee room?).

As far as halachically, I think any names being given would be said in a derogatory sense, but there are two or three who would be proud of it. If nothing else, I’m betting at some point the Wolf will mention how he is mechalel shabbos and therefore passul for davening for the amud or something like that, along with an amusing anecdote about his wife. PBA will ask, in jest of course, how could he know any stories about his wife, and Wolf will answer that since he is a rasha, he is allowed to talk to his wife. Aries (or possibly Queen Bee) will make some sort of joke about the wife clearly being right in the story, and Health will pick up the ball and run with it about some “clearly feminist agendas that have no place in our Torah world!!!!!!!!!!!”. By that point, Zeeskite (I think – I could be wrong) will ask the mods to please [close] the thread, as there is no to’eles in it. Jothar will agree, because nothing compromises identifying information like mentioning that you are married and hey, that could give it all away. And after going through all of the dissenting opinions, I think we’ll all agree that Baal Habooze has the best strategy.

And in two years, this thread will be bumped.