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Choppy: I believe I’ve said that before. (Well, not all year. I hold it’s Muttar on Chol Hamoed.)
SiDi and TCG: There is no Ma’ale or level here. I hold it’s Assur. Therefore I can’t do it. If I held it was Muttar then I would listen to music. And if I held it was Assur but that I “wasn’t on the level” then I wouldn’t be a Halachah-observant Jew.
(Before anyone thinks I’m better than I really am, because I’m really not, I have on occasion listened to music after I came to this Maskana. The Beis Yosef says that music is Muttar if it’s to relieve depression. I don’t know how serious of a depression he is referring to, but there are times when I would listen to a select few songs when I am feeling down. However, this reason is not brought down in the Shulchan Aruch or mentioned in many of the Nosei Keilim. Thus, it is something to rely on but probably not a Heter to be used Lechatchilah. There were a few times where I felt it necessary to rely on this. (Also, the Abarbanel on Tishah B’av during the Expulsion is a tremendous Ma’aseh Rav to rely on this reason.) Similarly, the Beis Yosef mentions that L’zarez Bimlacha is a reason to be Meikil, but it’s also not brought down in most of the Halachah Sefarim. However, when I am driving for an extended time I rely on this even L’chatchilah because if I space out while driving that’s already bordering on Pikuach Nefesh.
The Mechaber does bring down that people were already Noheg to sing Shiros V’sishbachos LaHKBH. However, I cannot honestly say that when I am listening to music that I am doing it to be M’shabeach HKBH and not because I enjoy the music, so I try to avoid that as much as possible (but it is the reason why I don’t have to leave the room when a friend/relative is listening to music). That is a very strong basis to rely upon. It is also part of the reason I’m willing to be Meikil on those rare occasions when I am feeling very sad. I do not need this reason, however, for the driving part because, as I said above, it is very unsafe to lose attention while driving and having background music really does help me focus.)
So, basically, other than Chol Hamoed Pesach and Sukkos (where there really isn’t much time to relax and listen to music anyway) I listen to music about 2 or 3 times a year.