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“everyone else’s hat at 800 shekel and up get worn for way too long, gets faded and ratty looking and represents a bizayon of Torah.”

…or, of course, it be could taken to just represent poverty. But hey, why pass up a chance to bash the black hat crowd?


“There was a story a few years ago about a talking fish in Monsey, I am sure the same people who are calling this a “Bubba Meinser” are the same people who claim the Fish in Monsey talked.”

I have long had a theory that those who scream “sinas chinom, stop being so judgmental” at every chumra often have far more animosity in their hearts towards the “frummies” than anybody on the right has towards them… and as much as I’d love to be wrong, all the recent comments and threads denigrating anybody and everybody who is more makpid than you are sure doesn’t point in that direction.