Reply To: Safety at seminary (and yeshiva)

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This past year, a boy at the yeshiva in Mitzpe Yericho died in a fire. That is why I checked the smoke detectors at the seminary when I was visiting Israel and found that they were not working.

It may be true that Israeli buildings are less susceptible to fire, but in a building packed with girls and their belongings, as well as cooking facilities, a fire could still be very dangerous. I actually think that the difference between Israel and America has more to do with attitudes toward safety rather than differences in building construction.

In my e-mails I mentioned the tragedy in Mitzpe Yericho. That is part of the reason that I find it so disheartening that they wouldn’t even respond to my e-mails.

Other than my repeated e-mails to the seminary administration, I’m not sure what else to do.