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cholent guy -“You did not say which part of my comment was false. The fact is that NYC has had more casualties due to terror in the last 20 years than Israel in it’s entire existence.”

I don’t have to spell it out for you, but here it is -“because I know of a city that has had more terrorism in the last 20 years than Israel for it’s whole existence.”

You said terrorism, not casualties!

“We are on track for the lowest amount of terror in Israel proper since … Forever. There have been 2 victims so far this year. The reason there was an attack in Bulgaria is because the Bulgarians don’t know a bloody thing about counter-terrorism.”

So you’re a leftist lib -what do you mean by “Israel proper”?

It’s all EY!

Second of all, I said terrorist attacks, not casualties.

And I suppose the Bulgarian attack was against Bulgaria, nothing to do with Israelis and Israel.

“Arab Stone throwing”

“That is crime, not terror.”

Yep, you’re right again. They throw rocks only to steal your money. If you’d throw them a few Shekels, they wouldn’t.

Are you for real?!?

“daily rocket attacks”

“Most thank God, miss by miles and the iron dome, with Siyatey Dishmaya, should take care of the rest.”

Hey just because you/they haven’t had any recent casualties, doesn’t mean it’s not a terrorist attack.

“blind eye”

“You must be joking.”

Did I sound like I was joking? A country that doesn’t retaliate when it’s being attacked has failed in their basic duty to their citizens.