Reply To: Are you a Zionist?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are you a Zionist? Reply To: Are you a Zionist?


The Gedolim are gifted brilliant rabbonim and talmid chachanim who are have disagreements with each other. They are not infalliable.and the huge differences of opinion amongst them cause political deadlock and heart breaking communal discord.

Health, what on earth has following the particular Gedolim of your choice got to do with belief in Hashem. Is one Gadol greater than the other?? What happened to respect and basic decency/ We all believe in Hashem, we all love the Torah, we all also have lots of different opinions and beliefs, why denegrate those that with a different opinion?

My family lived under both Turkish and British rule in Jerusalem and nothing compares to having a Jewish State. Relatives imprisoned by the British remember the great kindness of Rebbenitzen Batsheva Kanievsky z”I.

The present sharp ugly divisions spoken of between Zionist and Charedi are enflamed for political purposes and to give credence to those extremists among both secular and frum that wish to insult and rip apart the Jewish people.