Reply To: Are you a Zionist?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are you a Zionist? Reply To: Are you a Zionist?


rabbiofberlin -“health- I have not stopped laughing this morning since reading your posting.”

Yes, Letzonus is the way you and your kind evade any Mussar.

“You have not stopped accusing millions of Jews of being pagans, kofrim,”

So I guess e/o who is a Jew and esp. if they happen to live in Israel, are all Shomrei Torah Oomitzvos? You keep living in your little Utopia.

“you have denigrated tens ofv thousands of jews who gave their time ,and some their life,to protect their brotehrs and sisters, not to mention the phantasmagoric ideas you carry around about Eretz Yisroel , and you call ME uncivil???”

Yes, uncivil and uncouth! And btw, answer my question that I posted on the other topic.