Reply To: Passaic / Clifton

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Install a faucet filter and then tell me P/C’s water isn’t gross…

Large shuls, storefront shuls, basement shuls; choice of elementary schools, kollels, Beis Yaakov, Yeshiva Gedolah; businesses that take chesed dollars and/or are run by frum Jews such as grocery, dry cleaners, movers, plumbers, electricians, handymen, caterers, jewelry makers/sellers, sheitel machers, doctors, dentists, appliance sellers, CPAs, lawyers, musicians, artists, sofrim, Z Berman, realtors; slurpees, Carvel (non-CY), 2 pizza stores, Chinese, sit down/take out fleishigs, Bagel store, bakeries, sushi. Costco, all the chain stores. Amazing Savings. Trader Joe’s coming in November.

Even longer list of gemachim… Hatzolah, on again/off again Chaverim. Community biur chometz. Nice park in the middle of the eruv for tashlich (duck pond and brook). NJ Transit train station and buses that go to Port Authority. Spanish buses/jitneys if that’s your thing.

Nowhere near the gashmiyus of other places.

The Man With The Truck, Basic Colors, Elzees come occasionally. Have I forgotten anything?