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Perhaps you can quote for us the salacious details in the book about R JB Soloveitchik. I am sure that YU included all of them when they published the books about him.

No one makes you read Artscroll. You don’t enjoy, don’t read. It’s that simple.

It is quite likely that it has to do with a fundemantal difference. People who look at limudai kodesh as no different that secular studies believe the purpose is just to tell over history. Those who understand that there is a difference understand that the purpose of the stories are to learn from these tzadik in and to try to emulate them. If the purpose is to learn kiddos and lessons, what is the point of publishing details that are not germane.

The stories published in these books are not false, which cannot be said for the “history” books. You want to satisfy your cravings for lecherous details, go elsewhere.