Reply To: Romney VS Obama poll

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but doesn’t Romney’s policy interfere with our freedom of religion?”

Not if he believes abortion is murder and that life begins at conception. What about the fetus’ right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Suppose the vast majority of people in this country believed we should euthanize the elderly, the terminally ill, or developmentally-challenged? What if they ALL wanted to vote to be allowed to do that, but a presidential candidate arose who (rightly) believed this to be murder and even Nazi-like behavior? Should that candidate (all other things being copacetic) not be voted for because there is one area in which his religious convictions are strongly held and in opposition to the will of the majority?

I would only agree, if the religious beliefs which the candidate espoused, were contrary to Torah teachings. We cannot rely on present-day concepts of morality (whose morality, yours, mine, the Gay Alliance’s?) because what is considered moral or immoral changes with the times. ONLY Torah morality is a constant.