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Think first

Here I go- your poem shows real emotion and uncertainess. It seems you are looking for that special guy who in your words “I want a partner that shares my goals

of growing and reaching higher…”

Stop looking for the gadol hador, and look for what you want. It’s your life, you seem like you put thought into life and what you would be comfortable with, you don’t look forward to supporting your family single handedly. So don’t look for someone where that will be your role. Look for the type of guy you’ll be happy with and dont think about what people will think or say because that lasts a few minutes and your spouse, a lifetime. Follow your heart on this one. If you’re wondering though, is it possible for me marry a man that has an appreciation for Torah, Halacha and hashkafa and will also be able to support me one day while I care for my children? The answer is that it exists. You can marry a man who will have all that and support you too.


Love you

Care for you

Care for your children

Support your family financially

Learn torah

Instill good hashkafa in your home

Be the role model for your children

Be a growing man

Be your partner in life

Be the protector of your home

You can marry someone where …

” I want a partner that shares my goals

of growing and reaching higher…”

…….will be true

But he may not be a Rosh Yeshiva…