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Just find me one source that would apply the concept of Guf to Hashem.

The Rambam, in Hilchos Teshuva (3:7), states that one who states that God has a body is a “min.” The Ra’avad asks on this why the Rambam would call such a person a “min” when greater rabbis than he (the Rambam) held such beliefs.

While I do not think this means to imply that the Ra’avad, himself, held such a belief, he was, however, clearly okay with it and did not consider it heresy to hold such a view.

You might also want to check out Dr. Shapiro’s book (which I don’t have handy right now) “The Limits of Orthodox Theology” where he brings several examples of gedolim who held that the idea of God having a body isn’t heresy.

The Wolf