Reply To: Natural disasters and Hashem

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The gentile world calls it a “natural disaster”. We are immersed in the gentile world, therefore we accept their terminology and Jewdify it with the Hebrew word “peronius”.

What is “reality”? We have been conditioned to interpret reality based on what we see (even though we face the contradiction of not seeing ruchniyus). But true reality is what Torah tells us is real – Toras EMES.

May I suggest we first examine if al pi Torah there is a “silver lining” or a positive “spin” to such natural “disasters”. Indeed, as frum yidden Torah creates our reality – not the anchor on the Weather Channel.

Indeed, what the gentiles call “natural disasters” are according to Chazal an act of Chesed by Hashem, an act of remembrance that will result in the true and complete Redemption immediately! Amen!