Reply To: GAS SHORTAGE: Where Can You get Gas Following Superstorm Sandy?

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I spent Shabbos in Cherry Hill, NJ. This area of New Jersey was virtually unaffected by the storm. Gasoline is available and plentiful from Exit 7 of the New Jersey Turnpike and South. You can exit and fill up locally or you can go to the Service Areas on the Turnpike. The local gas stations have no lines.

Important- There is NO gas Rationing South of Exit 8 on the Turnpike.

Also, for those of you seeking to purchase kosher food and provisions, the Shoprite is Cherry Hill has an extensive Kosher Experience section that is fully stocked. We were able to buy everything we needed on Motzei Shabbos before returning to our area of New Jersey. The Kosher Restaurants are also open down there as well. For the location of the Shoprite and Restaurants please see this link: