Reply To: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012

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Dave Hirsch

Now that I’ve disclosed my choice for the top of the ticket, I thinks I should just roll out my picks (I will elaborate and explain more about it in the future):

First Choice: Mitch Daniels/Marco Rubio

A combination of executive experience (on the top of ticket) with legislative experience. A serious ticket that will convey a strong economic message and will attract moderates and Tea Partiers alike. This balanced ticket (with Indiana and Florida both vital states for Obama) also has two different levels of charisma.

Second Choice: Chris Christie/Paul Ryan

Christie has the belly and Ryan has the brains to put this country back on a fiscally moral track. This ticket has no minority but has two great men from blue states (across the spectrum of the country) that have already changed America. This ticket also has executive (although sparse) experience on the top and legislative on the bottom.

Third Choice: Tim Pawlenty/Nikki Haley

Pawlenty would be a great every year candidate, or better yet, vice presidential candidate. He has a great record as governor in a purple/blue swing state and has the right message. However, he is much too dull — which makes him my third choice. Haley has the firebrand and will excite the base while capturing female and minority votes. She has the healthcare issue to her favor. This can be considered the “Tea Party” ticket. Yet, Pawlenty can easily attract independents and Democrats as he did in the past.