Reply To: Your Dream-Ticket for 2012

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Dave Hirsch

BTGuy, I read Donald’s book on how to get rich and it didn’t work, so…

Trump is not ready to be president (Obama was far from prepared… how did it work?) and he knows it. There’s more to the presidency than knowing how to navigate a business and how to hire effective managers; Trump is a successful businessman and rhetorician but that won’t help him pay off the national debt (his one-time debt tax plan is ridiculous) and get the economy back on track (Advice: don’t follow Trump’s predictions, they’re usually wrong). Do you really think invading countries for oil will work? Can we afford a trade-war with China now? Do you want universal healthcare (Trump thinks Obamacare is not enough)?

I can expose the chameleon here (who flip-flopped on every single issue more than Kerry-Romney-Obama-Gingrich combined); however, since my time is limited and he’s unelectable, I can just tell you that the worst thing for America is a spoiler candidacy by Trump. It will just reelect Obama and continue America’s destruction (some conspirators even believe that he’s part of the Obama-machine and wishes to ensure him a 2nd term).