Reply To: OTD Phenomenom

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“No one will rely on asking the OTD kid. Several reasons.

1. Who says the answers are reliable?

2. The OTD kid is at least partly rebellious. That anger will likely cloud the judgment, and the real answer may be impossible to reach.

3. The real issues are multiple even for a single case.”

Who else would you ask?

It’s like the joke about the little kid who never spoke (despite experts and therapist, etc). One day, at the dinner table, he said ‘the soup is too hot’. When asked why he had never spoken before, he said ‘the soup was never too hot before’.

I will explain the obvious point. Only someone who is doing something knows why he/she is doing it.

You can analyze the person’s answers, and, in context of the person, his/her environment, and what he/she says, you have a chance of figuring something out.

However, if you’re not going to engage and discuss, but rather sit in an ivory tower and attempt to judge from up high, you may as well pack your bags in terms of any practical implications.

eye-roll, sigh.