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You are correct in viewing your list of criminals and victimizers as major contributors to the OTD problem. If it busts anybody’s bubble, tough, but one major location of these victimizers is our yeshivos and schools.
The people who “chased away” the OTD kids are NOT the ones looking to bring them back. The ones seeking their return are the families, and the select few askanim who realize the turmoil into which these precious neshamos have been thrust. Our mainstream leaders are full of denial and completely blind to the neshamos of these children. They have turned a deaf ear to their cries. They will immorally defend the yeshivos for the persistent rejections imposed on these kids, and there is no yeshiva or community leader that will stand up to insist that the rejection and abusiveness (emotional and physical) must stop.
Our community periodically gets leaflets and posters bearing the messages that anyone with “secular” or professional background must be prevented from contributing expertise to assist in modifying chinuch to cope with the current times. These same pashkivilim also place an issur against sending a frum child for therapy to professionals, even those who are frum and yirai shomayim. There are many signatures on these pashkivilim, and I find them personally nauseating and destructive. But many among our leaders are still living in the fantasy world in which our chinuch does nothing wrong and has no responsibility for the holocaust of our young.