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Ready now: I said “reason for anyone to pursue a religion, whatever religion they believe to hold the most truth.” which is not from non Jewish writings, but rather my own thoughts. It’s actually pretty logical. On the notion that there is a Jewish G-d, one must understand why someone would get punished and sent to Gehinom for not keeping the 7 Noachide laws.

If I was christian, muslim, or buddhist Ch’V, I would be able to say to at the Day of Judgement, that I did all that was supposed to do. I was a faithful X, Y or Z. Why should get I punished for keeping my religion 100% Lechumra? They would tell me Upstairs that that reason doesn’t help. I should’ve known that Judiasm is the #1 real religion, and that I would at least have to keep the 7 Noachide laws.

But I would complain again and say “How am I supposed to know that Judiasm is real, if I wasn’t born Jewish?” To which they would reply to me, “If you would’ve objectively seeked out the truth, you would have found Judiasm to be 100% authentic. The fact that you didn’t seek out the truth is what you are getting punished for.”

Therefore, it’s pretty logical to say, that if a christian, muslim, and buddhist would get punished for not seeking out the truth, the same obligation would apply to Jews too. For how can a Jew get rewarded for keeping a religion he was born into, without seeking the truth, while a christian, muslim, and buddhist get punished for doing the same exact thing!? Don’t we have a Benevolent G-d, Whom Judges every person fairly?

Therefore I am happy to say, that I am not a religious Jew because I was FFB, I am a religious Jew because I was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that it is much truer than any other religion can hope to be. My belief in G-d doesn’t come into play until it comes to the things that I cannot logically understand, (such as the 4 Questions that one may not ask); though after seeing that 99% of Judiasm is proven true, I can believe that the rest is true too. Staying religious based on plain Emunah Pshuta without any proofs that Judiasm is authentic, IS DEFINITELY KEFIRA.

(Note: these thoughts only explain why I pick Judiasm over other religions; I would use Pascal’s Wager among other things to push away atheism.)