Reply To: maachon raya??


wow musicaldignity thank you so much! you really hit the nail on the head an gave such good information over… so I was very close to not applying there but now I think I am going to reconsider!! One point, alot of girls say that they apply to maachon raya and bnos ssara so the 2 must be on the same league. thing is, I would never think of applying to bnos soro because its not for me, so does that mean maachon raya isnt? of course you dont know my acedemic ability but do they attract those type of girls? love the sound of them playing games an chilling before a test!! thats a good balance! anyway do you know if they are quite lax with rules and they trust you or is it bit more of a schooley sem? if we end up there..I’ll make a grand announcement looking for all YWN posters who asked about seminary and we’ll compare notes 🙂