Reply To: Poorer People Bigger Tzadikm; Richer People Not Such Tzadikim

Home Forums Money & Finance Poorer People Bigger Tzadikm; Richer People Not Such Tzadikim Reply To: Poorer People Bigger Tzadikm; Richer People Not Such Tzadikim


In the Torah it says “Aser t’aser” and we learn from this “Aser bishvil shetisasher”. It is clear from this (and many other sources) that ashirus is a bracha. I believe it’s important to realize that hashkafically, the Torah considers wealth a bracha. How could the Torah consider something a bracha if it was virtually guaranteed to make a person “not such a tzaddik” – in other words, push a person away from Hashem?

Now, what an individual does with his brachos – and whether they present new nisyonos to him – is a separate question.