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m in Israel

lovebeingjewish —

Most, if not all, of the mainstream Orthodox gedolim, even among the most extreme “yeshivish” and “chassidish” elements do not condone anti-Israel rallies in the U.S. There are always crazy individuals looking for excitement, both in the U.S. and in Israel, who don’t have the backing of any gedolim. I agree that it is a Chillul Hashem.

The current state of affairs in Israel however, is also unfortunately a tremendous Chillul Hashem. The primary Halachic definition of Chillul Hashem is the knowing desecration of Mitzvos by Jews. This occurs frequently in Israel, where identifying Jews who know about Shabbos, Kashrus, etc. nonetheless violate these Mitzvos, often in public.

Religious Jews can practice freely in many countries throughout the world, and were able to practice their religion freely in Eretz Yisroel in many periods of history before the establishment of the State of Israel — that really has nothing to do with the issue.

It is a tremendous zchus to live here, and I appreciate the role of the Israeli government and IDF in enabling us to do so al pi derech hatevah. However what we are truly waiting for is the geulah shelaima, and the true fulfillment of the nevuah of “vishavu banim ligvulam” and a “yerushalahim HABINUYA”