Reply To: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) Reply To: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes)


chalilavchas – Mr. Rabble Rouser from Willi – Maybe the same guy who got bleach thrown on him – maybe not?

“The Weberman case reveals the tip of the iceberg in how low we have sunk in terms of corruption, extortion, and yes, violations of arayos.

We have our own home-brewed mafia.

This mafia is not represented by poskim, rabbanim, or by batei dinim. Indeed, our Torah leaders are frightened to take a stand against their excesses. We need to take steps to remedy this situation, and we need to do so now.

Firstly, we must abolish the current organizations now and disenfranchise them from any power base that we can. The Vaad HaTzniyus organizations and everyone involved in them must be directly run by batei dinim and poskim. The beis din must have oversight over every individual involved in these activities and anything said and done must have the approval of qualified poskim.”

Now the first question you’ll ask me is why copy & paste so much? The answer is because I agree about Vaad Hatzinuses. Let them go back to wherever they crawled out from.

Now here’s comes the rant: I see no proof from the case that this guy is guilty. If anybody here learned any Torah you know we need two Eidim, even in a Goyishe court you need at least one. Nothing even close to that here. And even where Bais Din would do things in circumstantial evidence – it was where it was clear about the perp’s guilt -here it’s not clear at all.

But the biggest joke of your post is that you said the only ones that should have power are the Bottey Dinim, noone else. This would be correct if they were all honest. I know two different principals in two different towns that are molesters. The evidence by one I know first hand (And No – not personally involved) – the other I read evidence against him by more than one person. But what did these two separate Bottey Dinim do? They said it’s all lies – so these people are still in their positions. So what’s up with the Willi bashing -you think it’s better elsewhere – LOL?