Reply To: Chinuch

Ben Levi


I would think that Hashem is having Nachas.

The Torah says one cannot believe Motzi Shem Rah and Satmar is simply stating we do not believe Motzi Shem especially after an exhaustiv investigation. Could turn up no proof what so ever.


You are 100% right Satmar is unique in the way the schools are run and we all should learn from them and yes there are unique in their Chasunah Takonos we have tried to learn from them and failed.

The point is that to state that Satmar does not fix whats wrong is ridiculus.

They have demonstrated time and time again that they do learn from what is wrong and they do fix it.

Meaning they fix it.

Instead of having an endless crisis.

They just have to feel there is an actual proven crisis that need a real solution and the solution must be better then what exists.

The 90% stat btw sould be quite on target.

I was in the school system before the famous JO on KIds-at-Risk came out.

And yes 10% of children were for one reason or another “falling through the cracks”.

If in the ensuing years when virtually all of the JO’s recommendations at the time were implemented things have gotten worse.

Should’nt we be asking those that wrote in that issue and it’s follow up.

“If you said things would get better if we listened to you then why are we worse off now?

And if you were wrong then, why should we believe you now?”

Furthermore to state that I do not know what is taught in the Mental Health field is quite ignorant.

I have close reletives with “letters” after their names and have actually read textbooks on the subject in question.

As for Rabbonim that don’t know “facts on the ground”.

Well if they get heavily involved in something with out knowing facts on the ground then they are incompetent.

Please make sure that if you ever need a Rov you find a competent one.

B”H in my Kehilla as well as most Kehillos that I know of that chose their Rov they found one that is quite competent.

Of course there are those out there that are not so.

Always been like that always will be.

Incidently considering 50% of couples that go for “marital counseling” by Mental Health proffesionals wind up divorced I would think that means a good portion of the proffesionals are incompetent.

(The stat is qouted in the intro to 10 minutes a day to a better marriage by Rabbi Meir Wikler who Rabbi Chaim Pinchos Sheinberg zt”l says in his Hakdumah is to be relied on “depite the fact that he is proffesional, some haskomah)