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T went through yeshivios my relatives went through yeshivos my friends went through yeshivos.
To state that Yeshivos only focus on acedemics.
Has not one single shred of truth to it.
You honestly sound like you do not actually know what actually takes place in yeshivos?
I am happy to tell you that you are seriously under informed.
What do you think is discussed at the weekly “ethical lectures” i.e mussar shmuezzen, that take place in most yeshivos?
Do you have any idea on the focus on charachter development that is made in most yeshivos?
And you seem to have over looked my question.
Rabbeim, Rabbonim and and Yeshivos as a whole can quite proudly point to the current not past ,
Current success.
The overwhelming majority of their graduates B”H have been able to build successful homes.
Have complete families.
The Divorce rate in the JEwish World is not 59%.
There are B”h no examples of children going on shooting rampages in our schools.
Are there problems.
Of course.
If there were no problems then Moshiach would be here.
However the “therapist” model the Mental HEalth proffesion can point to no similar success rate.
They can point to no successful communities.
Each and every place they have been given the defference that you seem to be asking for the result has been disaster.
In our communities they have unfortunatley been active for over a decade.
They got in on the premise that they can make the problems better.
Each and every single place they have been active has gotten worse.
And sadly the communites that give the “professionals” the most sadly have gotten worse faster then anywhere else.
You are right.