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My Rabbonim consider things treif?
You have no idea who my “Rabbonim” are, nor what they consider treif.
To state that the “professionals” have not been allowed to influence our system means that you are willfully ignoring facts. Which Litvish elementary school does not have a full lineup of resources of professional therapists to deal with any and everything?
In Lakewood there are massive organizations that actually command a good portion of the school district budget providing therapists for everything.
Chinuch has not changed? Discipline is not a “last resort”?
If you wish to change what are facts on the ground at least don’t sound like a tape recorder.
TLIK – The only tape recorder I am playing is the one that records what passes my phone and ears.
And about the role modeling. Yes that is 100% accurate. But guess what. Role Modeling begins at home. Rabbeim and teachers change each year. Parents don’t. And if the Parents don’t want to realize that they are the ones responsible to raise their children, they are the ones that must instill permanent values in their children , well then there really is not much to do.