Reply To: Where is Rabbi Levin On CT Shooting?!

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Ben Levi

Why oh why do I keep being accused of Being this person or that person.

I post under one name ne one name only.

Ben Levi.

As for the ridiculus assumption that a person stating that Sandy Hook and Hurricane Sandy are different means Kefira in Bechira.

That is ridiculus.

And no we can not know for sure why something comes.

But we do know for certain that if Hashem sends a punishment it is becuase of issurim and to issue a wake up call.

Again as has been pointed out that is the Tochecha its pretty clear cut.

And if we want to stop these tragedies from happening the most effective prevention is not listening to the Doofis in Chief Al Gore it’s rather by making a serious Din V”Cheshbon.

And please dont slander Chareidim or Rabbonim by stating they are all in the Democrat voting machine.

Lakewood voted by close to 80% for Christie specifically because of the Toeivva issue.

Where there “askonim” who felt Corzine should be backed because he would extend a highway.


The Kollel Youngeleit did not listen as beared out in the facts.

Seems to some people their Torah Values trump Money even in todays day and age.

And the Rabbonim in Queens followed it up by all backing the Republican in Congress again becuase of Toeiva (though people tried to spin it as Isreal, it wasn’t).

Theres a famous line.

Youre entitled to your own set of opinions but not your own set of facts.