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shmendrick -“I don’t know your level of yedios, but with respect I ask, have you heard of the Biur Halacha (it is authored by the Mishna Brura and published in that sefer)?”
This is pure Chutzpa!
“The M.B. in his Biur Halacha paskens like that R’ Akiva Eiger (although he adds some unrelated qualification).
I think nearly everyone follows the halochos of the M.B., it is not considered a “fringe” daas yochid, or frivolous chumros!!!”
Actually you were just Megaleh Ponim B’torah Shelo K’halacha.
Don’t worry because I’m sure s/o told you this and you didn’t actually look it up – so you’re only a Shoggeg.
When I first responded to you -I was going from memory, but you scared me – so I looked it up. Where did you pick this up? Whoever told you this is an Am Haaretz Gomor.
Just for the curious all the Biur Halacha says is that R’ A. Eiger is Mesufak if you can be Yotzay the Mitzvos Aseh of Kiddush with saying “Shabbos Tova”. The very next words he says -“It’s (This is) a Pelah etc…”.
This is what happens when you take on a Chumrah and you think you’re Frummer than e/o else.
First you say that it’s Halacha – if you say Good Shabbos that it’s a Kabbolah when you didn’t even mean it, like on Fri., not like the R’ Akiva Eiger were you meant it because you said Good Shabbos on Shabbos.
Then you say we Pasken like this R’ Akiva Eiger, which we don’t!
Go back to whomever told you this and tell him to go back to school before he tells e/o False Halachos.