Reply To: Ah Gutten Erev Shabbos

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Although I follow this Chumra, to say Ah Gutten Erev Shabbos, it’s hard to imagine that this is Me’ikar Dedina. Where do we find a Kabbala Baal Karcho? This is not Devarim Shebilev, it is obvious and known that you are wishing a good Shabbos when it arrives.

What about wishing a good Shabbos while driving, would you agree that it can’t be a Kabbala?

If all Reb Akiva Eiger speaks about is being Yotze Kiddush then, indeed, it is no Raaya to this Chumra. We find that a Kabbalas Shabbos that was intended but was based on an error can perhaps be reversed. Can a statement, that is not even intended as a Kabbala be worse!?