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I’m listening. So far he said that they don’t have a DE designation, because they think we will get confused. I find it bewildering that they are more concerned about that, than that we will eat it assuming it is keilim, if they think it is not ok.

Then he talks about reading the ingredients. He says that there may be dairy in the “natural flavors”. That seems true; natural flavors means flavoring derived from things thought of as food. Maybe we should be choshesh when it says “natural flavors”. But many products don’t have natural flavors.

Then he talks about allergy warnings. He says they will require warning if there are 3ppm. But then vaguely says there are times they will not require that, but no examples. I’ll look up the laws.

I don’t believe him; and think if they cared, they would have a DE designation. I think they know you can just look at the allergy warning and they are relying on that. (And I still have no idea how they would not recall a product which they knew was mislabled. DE will cause confusion, but no D on a milchig product won’t cause confusion?)