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I posted the psak of the OU that it is Hamotzei. Some want to be maykil on this more than the OU while declaring that their standards of Kashrus and Halacha is “above” the OU. Ironic.

The OU does not seek extra chumros, in fact, whenever reasonable they will rely on kulos (e.g. bishul yisroel, chodosh, pas yisroel, cholov yisroel, bdikas to’loim etc.). If the OU and their Poskin (Rabbis Belsky, Schechter and the RCA) all INSIST that it is Hamotzei, one who makes mezonos on a so called “mezonos roll” is going below the halachic standards of even the OU.

Yes there are shitas on which to be somech, but a “kal sh’bkalim” is one who collects kulos and leads his life on the very fringe of halacha, utilizing any and all kulos available.