Reply To: Planning a Bas Mitzvah – Ideas

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old man -“5. From a halachic point of view, you are doing an aveirah. Shame on you.

Please, lay off. She asked for advice, not mussar.”

While you have a point, this OP might be interested in what the Godol HaDor has said regarding this. She might be ignorant about Bas Mitzvahs and the posters can make her informed.

Joseph previously quoted R’ Moshe zt’l and I’m reposting it:

“Max Well – Joseph

2. Iggros Moshe, OH, 1:104″

“In the matter of a Bas Mitzvah:

Regarding those who want to make a ceremony and celebration for the girls when they become bas mitzvah. Behold, one should not do this in a synagogue, regardless, even at night, because the synagogue is not a place to do optional, non-mitzvah matters, even if it was constructed with a stipulation. And this ceremony of the bas mitzvah is certainly only an optional matter and it is a matter of nonsense and there is no basis to allow it to be done in the synagogue. Certainly this is even more so since the source of this practice comes from the Reform and Conservative. Only if the father wants to make a celebration in his house is he allowed. But there is no basis to consider this a mitzvah matter or the meal a mitzvah meal, for it is nothing more than a birthday celebration.