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it all depends on your hashkafa. i havent been on these sites in a while but i was on both frumster and SYAS. frumster seems like it has very good modern ortho boys but not so many yeshivish type boys. the ones that were “yeshivish” (i use that term lightly as no good yeshiva boy would ever put himself on a dating website) had an issue such as a handicap, divorce, or on the older side. that was my experience so its great for girls who have similar qualities. syas is a great site, however it didnt work for me. i was on there many years. i went months without getting a single name. i would not only email my personal shadchanim, but many others who specify in the type i was looking for to help look out for me. their response? sorry no one matches your criteria. so either i would go months without getting a name or i would get a whole bunch of people that wasnt what i was looking for. the site is great. but its all luck on who is actually on there. you cant look out for yourself thats the one thing i dislike. if i could pick someone on my own and then have a shadchan suggest it that would have been ideal. i was also once upon a time on futuresimchas. many boys wrote silly profiles and seemed immature and not really interested in shidduch dating but just “shmoozing”. i actually did a meet a boy on FS who i wanted to go out with but he didnt really wanna go out/date so he set me set me up with a friend of his and i actually married the friend! so ya with these sites you never know! good luck!