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Arosem I am so glad you have never been abused by feminists or abused in the name of feminism, becuase my life has been ruined by it from childhood till my 20’s or so.

By that time a patters was set then other then stepped in to make sure I could never fix the wreck, my life had become.

Speaking from experience, I have been directly involved with divorced people who were lied about and cheated by their feminist wives.

Since you are (falsly)claiming that not supporting lies by femninists is supposedly “claiming that no abuse exists” which I never said.

By YOUR claims against me your are by that same token claiming that women have never lied in divorces, or abused the court system;

Aside from your outlandish and ignorant claims that women supposedly never abuse the system, and never LIE to judges and courts who are extremly sympathetic to the feminist man hating, aganda;

My factual claims which you cannot refute and which are supported by my two examples that very much apply to the situation of a family and by statistical data, like all the court records which show MASSES of men convicted just because in each of THOSE (not ALL cases, but THOSE many, that I am talking about)

cases, a woman claimed abuse and divorces where the woman was the abuse and the cheater etc…and who still was awarded everything by the pro feminist anti male judge.

A prosecutor who deliberately withholds evidence to promote the feminist agenda in the Duke Lacross case,will do the same thing in divorce cases, so it DOES very clearly, prove my point.

And you claims that the children in most cases are more damaged by parents staying together are refuted by the cghildren themselves who later talk about how they were the ones whi were traumatized and felt guilty that THEIR fighting with their siblings or not always getting the top grades or not keeping their rooms clean enough, was what they as kids, had thought CAUSED the divorce.

This is besides the many many cases where the parents (usually by far, the mother) get custody and then very often uise that time to brainwash the kids into hating the other parent (again by far usually against the father since it is usually the mother, who does it)This happened to my step father and to a frend of mine and I just read about another case (among many that are ut there)where the mother had moved to another state to far for the father who had no money left after paying exhorbitant alimony to take time off from work to visit often.

When he did visit there was always some sudden trip or other thing the mother suddenly had to take the kids to go do so he could not see them then.

She lied that he did not care about them so he supposedly never came.

She kept them out of sports because she was pocketing the money he sent for sports equipment (which was supposed to be taken out of the amlinony that he always paid in full every month) telling them he did not want to show any fatherly love for them.

Years later one fo the boys who he had been very close with before the diviorce with said he never wanted to ever talk to his father again.

That is how messed up he had been by feminist ways.