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M.O. Chossid

Ok, QUESTION: As far as the rules go on Yeshiva World’s Coffee Room- one isn’t allowed to post a long megillah, so why did this user need to post the entire pamphlet. This by the way, was sent to the cities out of town which weren’t able to make it to the ASIFA.

And yes, I agree with Morah Rach- why are so people talking about the ASIFA on the internet. Those that continue to talk about it, should be banned from the site. We get it already.

It’s just like when the rabbonim banned having a TV in the home. There are those that still do- and even many yeshivish families who have just a “moniter” even though the rabbonim assured it. So, those that are still on the internet talking about the asifa, are just wasting everyone’s time, and let them do their thing. It’s the same as having a TV in the home.

Those that will listen, will do what they think is proper.

In some cases, where it is a yeshivish crowd, and people talk about it like those that do it- are against yiddishkeit and are going to gihenom, personally, speak for yourselves. You can’t estimate why someone else does something.

If something is wrong, go to a therapist to seek help.

The only thing you should be saying about the internet, is that do not think you are immune to the yetzer horas that lurk on the net. To say that one should completely ban the Internet and to bring stories which have only those that bring out the bad, isn’t something I believe the rabbonim were just mentioning.

The calling of the asifa shouldn’t have been about banning the internet, which no matter what one says- that was the message. It should have been- FOLKS, BEWARE OF THE TZAR IT CAN CAUSE YOU, SHAMOR ES NAFSHOSEICHEM. Although, some of the messages they brought out were a bit extreme. To say that you can’t do anything, just lock yourself up in a room with a gemarah and have someone pass you dinner should be your lifestyle from now on…

We shall be Rabban Shimon Bar Yochai. It’s just not possible to live otherwise. In fact, wasn’t it Rabban Shimon Bar Yochai who came out and killed the first person he saw who wasn’t learning? So, Hashem told him to go back in the cave. The second time he came out he saw someone bringing two branches from the willow tree and asked him what they were for- he said- for shabbos b’samim. And even Rabban Shimon Bar Yochai saw the good in something which could have been used for the bad.

He realized that you can work in the world to use for service to Hashem.