Reply To: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge

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To apushatayid: Just the fact that I should have to defend myself as “real” and not a “lurker”(I’m not even sure what you mean by that!) to you, is really demeaning and pathetic. Why on earth would anyone make up what I wrote? My heart is broken, I shared very painful details of my personal life to make a point. You, my friend, are a sorry, sorry excuse for a Jew. Where’s your sense of Rachmanus, empathy, TRUST that someone might be telling the truth? I truly pity you. For your information, addiction (and yes, a therapist categorized my husband as ‘addicted’) is not a simple matter. And addictive personalities can be happily married and yet fall into temptation a lot easier that the average person would. So your comments show you to be not only lacking in the basic characteristics of a Jew, but also ignorant. Completely ignorant. And FYI, my husband does spend time with me and the kids. It’s when everyone’s asleep that he falls victim to the terrible yetzer hara of the Internet addiction. And FYI again, my husband doesn’t have a Rav. Another bone of contention between us, so none of your so-called advice was in the least helpful. I hope you’re happy knowing you took the honest admission of a wife with a broken heart and turned it into some devious deception that could only be imagined in the ind of someone like you. I honestly pity YOUR spouse,