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mdd: There is not only no CH currently with the learning, there is a tremendous Kiddush Hashem by the learners.

tahini: The arrogance of those thinking they are not meant to learn Torah because they are serving in the Army is breathtaking. Those who are learning should continue full-time learning to make up for the vast majority who do no Limud Torah.

And Satmar did not ask or “allow” the State to fly the deceased over. The State did it without asking. Satmar would have rather have done it themselves rather than have the State desecrate the dead with their unholy flag wrapped around the coffin as a “shtuch” to frum yidden. And frum yidden opposed to the State have more right to be in Eretz Yisroel, where they lived before the zionists ever arrived, than do the zionists. The zionists are a violent war-mongering bunch who came in violence and remain steeped in it.