Reply To: English is Absent and Math Doesn't Count at Brooklyn's Biggest Yeshivas

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues English is Absent and Math Doesn't Count at Brooklyn's Biggest Yeshivas Reply To: English is Absent and Math Doesn't Count at Brooklyn's Biggest Yeshivas

Ben Levi

I actually find this article pretty amusing.

You see I am a certafied High School drop out.

That is I ended my high School secular education so I could focus om learning.

BTW, my employees do not have deggrees either.

And since part of my buisness has a retail angle to it we recieve many Customer Service emails.

I find it amazing how the English writing skills of the general populace have descended to a level that actually renders their writing unreadable.

And what is pretty interesting is that it is the correspondence from the orthodox jewish world that is usually the most readable.

So based on my completley unscientific observations I would think that Mayor Bloomberg has a lot more to worry about with the education being provided by the PS system (which to be fair he does seem to be concerned with) then the YEshiva system.

The Yeshiva’s are educating it’s just a different set of priorities , goals, and skills that they focus on.

However it seems that the PS are not educating at all.