Reply To: Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal??

Home Forums Health & Fitness Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal?? Reply To: Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal??


as a sonographer I can tell you just because a test is inconclusive doesn’t mean the stone isn’t there.

A clear picture may be imposible to take due to the body’s gas

clouding the picture, essentially causing “static” making the picture unclear.

A flush is for someone who has teeny tiny stones or calcium deposits that may eventually become stones, not for someone in accute pain. Pain is a bracha for it signals that something is very wrong.

If you weigh possible death rm”l(if the gallbladder bursts) due to bile leaking into your viscera (think: burst appendix)against a simple small operation- that may take les time than a root canal-

I think the answer is obvious.

Think about it:

Are you the type to not have a root canal or a tooth pulled if needed because hashem built us with a certain ammount of teeth in our body?

Bracha vhatzlacha