Reply To: Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal??

Home Forums Health & Fitness Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal?? Reply To: Help! Have Gallstones; Can I Avoid Gallbladder Removal??


I would suggest that since it can wait a day or two (using your scenario), then rather get on the phone with a referral organization and see if they have any surgeons whom they would refer you to.

Last thing I would do is, just listen to the ER Doctors advice without checking with someone that specializes in this area. (I know that some situations are different and do not have time for more consultation, however I was not referring to emergency situations).

I have nothing against doctors who practice emergency medicine, however they are not the ones who should make the decisions regarding non emergency surgery.

I am sure that you would not rely on the advice of an ER doctor if you should or should not have surgery done.