Reply To: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars

Home Forums Controversial Topics Giving Tzedaka to Beggars Reply To: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars


Veltz Meshugenner: I don’t care if you come up with self-serving textualist arguments to avoid giving money to poor non-Jews, it’s still a bad thing to do.

GAW: (Comes up with self-serving argument to avoid giving money to poor non-Jews.)

To quote Senator D’Amato: “Hopelessly liberal”.

I assume you would say the same for ritual animal slaughter, genocide of Amalek, levirate marriage, and the quaint idea of giving the firstborn son double, while the girls get nothing. Just because you “think” it is “bad”. As I said earlier, your real argument is:

What in the world was G-d thinking? Couldn’t He be somewhat more liberal?